corCTF 2021
Challenge link
Source website and devme.html here
Using devtool that not give us anything special. Look up on the website, I see the form which allow me to POST something to server:
I try registing by ([email protected]) and using Burp to see what happen is going on:
When I register, the website redirect to “/graphql” and post a query so that sever create new user. And I realize that graphql is the problem. It can help me sending a query or retriving the database by the right query.
After studying about graphql, I try posting the below query to see the behind structure of its “graphql”:
"query": "query IntrospectionQuery {
__schema {
queryType {
types {
fields {
As you can see, it shows me some properties such as query type, type, name, field,…. This is the graphql structure of the website.
My mission is became easily. I think that I need to the data of User to get the admin data and try cheating.
"query": "query Query {
users {
I have the admin token <code>"username":"admin","token":"3cd3a50e63b3cb0a69cfb7d9d4f0ebc1dc1b94143475535930fa3db6e687280b</code>
and I will write a query to POST to the website so that get the flag!
Web challenge:
Source buyme.tar.xz chall folder
I try buying some flag to hope that some magic is happen =)))). Let’s solve it :3
After check the source code, I had some comments:
- Password was hashed, so that injection is not a method.
- Cookie is a unique for each account. It include “username” + “randomBytes”, so that we can’t cheat it :3
- By file file api.js, we know the structure of user object.
From that, I think I can override the data when I request something =))) (fact: the last method which i can use :3).
In the source code, author uses Map() to set/get for object. I think I need to write something to request author to give me flag =))).
In the route /buy, we have db.buyFlag({ user: req.user, ...req.body });
and I think that there is the place where we can override the data on req.body because the challenge will set the default user infomation before the system executes at /buy when user buys the flag.
Finally, I also register a real account to solve the challenge with username: aaabbb
. I use Hack bar extension to POST by the data below:
"flag": "corCTF",
The challenge has two source code: and flag.enc
The source code
fib = [1, 1]
for i in range(2, 11):
fib.append(fib[i - 1] + fib[i - 2])
def c2f(c):
n = ord(c)
b = ''
for i in range(10, -1, -1):
if n >= fib[i]:
n -= fib[i]
b += '1'
b += '0'
return b
flag = open('flag.txt', 'r').read()
enc = ''
for c in flag:
enc += c2f(c) + ' '
with open('flag.enc', 'w') as f:
The flag.enc:
10000100100 10010000010 10010001010 10000100100 10010010010 10001000000 10100000000 10000100010 00101010000 10010010000 00101001010 10000101000 10000010010 00101010000 10010000000 10000101000 10000010010 10001000000 00101000100 10000100010 10010000100 00010101010 00101000100 00101000100 00101001010 10000101000 10100000100 00000100100
The challenge is relate to Fibonacci array.
c2f(c) function is responsible for encryption. It converts each flag’s letter to the binary array (len = 10).
So that I was write a noob script to decrypt the flag.enc ^^
fib = [1, 1]
for i in range(2, 11):
fib.append(fib[i - 1] + fib[i - 2])
#fib = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89]
enc = "10000100100 10010000010 10010001010 10000100100 10010010010 10001000000 10100000000 10000100010 00101010000 10010010000 00101001010 10000101000 10000010010 00101010000 10010000000 10000101000 10000010010 10001000000 00101000100 10000100010 10010000100 00010101010 00101000100 00101000100 00101001010 10000101000 10100000100 00000100100"
arr = enc.split()
_list = []
def convert(c):
asc = 0
for i in range (0, 10, 1):
if (c[i] == "1"):
asc = asc + fib[int(10-i)]
return chr(asc)
for i in range(0, len(arr), 1):