Write Up ctf

Capture The Flag (CTF) are a fascinating and challenging aspect of information security that offer numerous benefits for participants. CTFs simulate real-world cyber threats, allowing students to experience what it’s like to defend against attacks in a controlled environment.


During my university years, I became deeply involved in these contests. My journey with CTFs began in my sophomore year when I studied about “sec”. The interesting of solving complex problems, team efforts, and the continuous learning curve hooked me instantly. Over that years, I participated in some contests, each contributing to my road, my knowledge about “sec”.

Contest & Practice

When joined the contests or self practise, I also wrote write-ups about the challenges that I solved

1 - Imaginary CTF 2021

ImaginaryCTF 2021 is an all new CTF competition, with all skill levels welcome to participate. It runs from July 23 to July 27, starting and ending at 4 PM UTC.


2 - RTLxHA CTF 21

I joined RTLxHA CTF 21 (July 31, 2021 - August 2, 2021) with my 54010N team


3 - BSides Noida CTF 2021

BSides Noida CTF 2021 is a part of BSides Noida 2021 Virtual Edition.


4 - RCTS CERT 2021 Defending the SOC

The RCTS CERT 2021 Defending the SOC - 24-hour CTF has 30 challenges, and it is the first stage of “CTF Internacional MetaRed 2021”.


5 - corCTF 2021

The first CTF organized by the Crusaders of Rust (aka Starrust Crusaders), an American and European collegiate team. CTFTime information.


6 - DownUnderCTF 2021

DownUnderCTF is a world-wide Capture The Flag (CTF) competition targeted at Australian and New Zealand secondary and tertiary students.


7 - PHP Serialization Challenge (LAB)

This is the tasks at NT521.ANTT class.
